
How your team finishes 2024 is a strong predictor of how they’ll begin 2025. Here are questions that bring closure to the past year—and prepare colleagues for deeper alignment to the vision of 2025.

  1. What was the most significant challenge of 2024 that you’re ready to put behind us?
  2. If you had to write a book that communicated our experience and progress towards 2024 objectives, what would the title of that book be?
  3. In what ways did we become stronger leaders in 2024 and where will we apply this wisdom in 2025?
  4. Who do you want to recognize for their contributions and support in getting us where we are today?
  5. Who did we become as a team over the year? (What was our identity at the beginning compared to now?)
  6. What aspects of 2025 (our plan, the market, projects, etc.) are you least looking forward to—and why? (Note: Answers may be a predictor of where the team will procrastinate.)
  7. What aspects of 2025 most energize you—and why?
  8. Consider your self-care over the break? What expectations do you have of yourself so you can contribute to a strong start for us in 2025?
  9. To ensure we become stronger as a team over the course of 2025, what are three or four commitments we must make to one another?
  10. As we transition to a new year, what additional questions should we be asking ourselves so we can fully leverage this moment?

To influence the minds of others, you must first mobilize the heart. The next few weeks provide a remarkable opportunity to make this difference for your team.



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