Most of the leaders I know are terrific people. In fact, I believe many possess exceptional character.
Yet, in our journey to excellence, a lot of us have blind spots or moments when our actions don’t match our stated intentions. Here are four ways leaders may think they’re fooling others – but are not:
- When you say our organizational values are a priority but remain quiet while watching one of your peers publicly and repeatedly violate the glue that holds us together, you’re not fooling us.
- Those moments you choose to cuss or speak poorly of others – then hide behind the curtain of “I’m just being my authentic self” – only tells us that you’ve missed understanding what it means to be an authentic leader. You’re not fooling us: Being authentic isn’t an excuse to deviate from values; instead, it’s a call to self-actualization and awareness.
- Telling us we must change “because that’s what the CEO wants” only informs us that you don’t own the objective. We’re not fooled: If you don’t own and get behind your boss’s decision why would you expect us to get behind theirs – or yours?
- That multi-tasking you’re doing while we’re video conferencing is seen. (Hint: Your eyes are easy to read.) You’re not fooling us: If something is more important than what we’re saying, than why did you ask us to say anything at all?
Deviating from behavior we’ve collectively declared is important by rationalizing “they won’t notice,” “they’ll understand,” or “they would do the same thing” is a gross misjudgment.
A hypocritical leader only fools one person.
P.S. One of the most authentic leader’s I know, Sean Westcott, Senior Vice President R&D Europe – Pepsico, will be joining us this next Tuesday, August 3rd 8:00am MTN, for our Collaborative Leader’s Huddle answering the Big question – How do you lead change in a post-covid era? Hope you can join us.