

Changing behavior means doing something you didn’t do before. To be successful requires discipline and effective leadership tools. While we make these efforts, something else proves priceless: supportive people around us.


Few cultures like this exist.


Here’s the elephant in the office: It’s ironic: Everyone wants everyone else to change – and then when people attempt to change they are often criticized! Have you seen such bloodsuckers in your organization? They crawl around and say, “That person isn’t being authentic.” Or, “That person isn’t sincere in their efforts.”


Without blood, we die. In those cultures where sincerity bloodsuckers thrive, the weak quickly retreat. And nothing changes.



I used to be a sincerity bloodsucker. That is, until I discovered I was telling the world “Anybody who does something I wouldn’t or does it in a way that doesn’t seem natural, isn’t sincere.” This is when I realized I’m not helping anything; in fact, I’m diminishing our prospects for greatness. Not very bright, especially when you consider that because we’re on the same team, my success is dependent on their success.


Perfecting new behaviors – change – takes practice. And logically initial efforts won’t seem natural at first. Yet, does this mean someone is not sincere?


A group in Ohio calls themselves The Rolling Along team. And rolling they are: their company is delivering unprecedented results. What is one of their keys for success? Instead of sucking the life out of each other’s change efforts, they, like select other teams, support each other. They coach each other. They believe that, like themselves, others want to be great. And thus, they are.


Look closely: today, who around you is stepping out and trying something new? And how will you respond?


Where will you lead – where will you stomp elephants – today?



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