
Here are important statistics when considering your lot in life:

  • Those who dread Mondays write off 14% of their life.
  • Your teammates who hate meetings forfeit ~ 70% of their calendar space that could be used to partner with, learn from, or influence others.
  • Only celebrating annual goals means that merely 1 of 261 days are utilized to honor and understand the power of accomplishment and confidence.
  • Those who wait for weekends or retirement to make a difference in the lives of others (rather than seizing daily interactions at work as an opportunity to activate humanity), give up 65% of their lives between the age of 20 and 65.
  • People who subscribe to a specific dogma or way of doing things, to an extent that they become dismissive of other approaches or ideas, arguably shrink their world of what’s possible by a minimum of one half.

Changing behaviors is not an intellectual exercise. It’s the business of the heart. When we grow our awareness of how we’re spending our time in relationship to what really matters to us, we increase our potential to mobilize hearts and minds forward.

Are these statistics of how bad we have it – or of the potential we possess? You decide.


How Bad We Have It – Or The Potential We Possess?

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