thank you in many languages

Image ©woodleywonderworks via Flickr.


Giving thanks for good things is easy. Customers who like you. Colleagues who think you’re a star. Neighbors who agree with you. Family members who are healthy. Gratitude for these things is a no-brainer. (It’s so easy we should do it more often. But that’s another issue.)


It’s the raw and seemingly uncontrolled issues in life that, if we allow them, can add the interesting and tasty spice to an ordinary turkey dinner. The customer that said adios. The colleague you can’t stand being in a meeting with. The neighbor who’d poison your lawn if they had a chance.  The unexpected trip to the hospital. These events hold the most potential for us, these can transform us.


Giving thanks feels good. Doing so when we normally wouldn’t (or some say we shouldn’t) can change everything.


What are you really grateful for?

(We’re grateful for your courage to lead forward.)


We’re creating a movement of inspired leaders. Please share what you’re really grateful for in the space below.




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