Gratitude (c) shannonkringen 4786965539_b92563f621

Photo Credit: shannonkringen via Compfight cc


“Lara” has every reason to be angry. Her year stunk. But, she’s not mad. In fact, she’s not even disappointed. This is why she’s a model when it comes to giving thanks.


Lara embraces the elements of life typically seen as barriers to joy. She’s working on something bigger than getting to the top of the org chart, and the difficult situations, people and the events that would disappoint most elevate her.


This could be labeled “the year of cancer” for Lara. Her response? She celebrates a deeper appreciation of health. Lara also works with a few “tough” colleagues who can’t seem to function with accountability. Lara’s view of it all? They strengthen her resolve to act from her values unconditionally. Endless workdays? They drive a grace and gratitude for fleeting moments with family.


Too often I can stumble and get lost in the pain and disappointment of not getting to where I want to go fast enough. Lara? She sees value in everything and therefore benefits from increased strength, wisdom and joy – her measurements of a life well lived.


Can I be thankful for those who anger me? Can I express gratitude for the disappointments that pile up over the course of a year?


I must if I’m to know my own potential. (And I wonder what’s possible if more of us do.)




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