
What’s the excuse uttered more often than any other? The answer is also a top reason mediocrity is delivered in the workplace – and at home. The answer is also one of the biggest tricks, the biggest lies, people use to fool themselves.

What is this big blunder that chokes so many? See if you can decode these common statements:

  1. “I couldn’t get to that project because I ran out of time.”
  2. “The scope of the work is too big. We don’t have enough time.”
  3. “I was going to lose weight this year, but when I get home I never have enough time to exercise.”
  4. “You can’t blame me for not getting it done. I had zero time.”
  5. “Focus on the customer’s needs? If we had more time, maybe we could.”

Time. It’s a coveted resource, and perhaps that’s why it’s the number one “here’s-why-I-didn’t-get-it-done” excuse ever. And here’s why: You always have enough time. What’s more: You have the same amount of time as your competition and your neighbor.

One of the biggest differences between mediocrity and greatness is not who has more time, but how you spend the time you have. The belief that we “didn’t have enough time” is an “elephant” that is crushing the success of team’s and careers everywhere.

Want to see greater results via enhanced personal accountability? Take this challenge: Begin replacing “didn’t have enough time” with these words:

  1. “I wasn’t able to finish the project because I spent my time with these priorities.”
  2. “The scope of the work requires that we plan our time differently.”
  3. “Tomorrow I will choose to spend my time in a way that ensures I get to exercise.”
  4. “I didn’t use my time in a way to deliver on this work.”
  5. “How do we get better at focusing on the customer ALL the time?”

Everyone get’s the same amount of time: 24 hours. Results are not a matter of how much time you have. It’s a matter of how you choose to spend the time you have.



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