You may be seen as a fool if you express optimism right now.
- The divisions among us are treacherously close to consequences once unimagined.
- The need to win by ensuring others lose diminishes everyone’s character.
- The demonizing of those once considered family and friends cuts away the soul we talk ourselves into selling.
To believe that we can and will do better as a society is risky. Fear is the prevailing current; skepticism about humanity’s future is the norm.
You will be normal should you wake each morning and echo the noise in vitriolic chambers.
And normal appears safe.
But you won’t be leading, not as a collaborative leader, anyway.
The stance of the collaborative leader, the principle from which you operate, compels you to connect people—to purpose, to one another, to shared values.
It is not fear of conflict or an idealistic dream of peace that energizes you. It is a hesitation, a reluctance to be vulnerable in the pursuit of realizing what is possible when we work together—this is your concern.
This is our opportunity as collaborative leaders.
Will things improve between us as people?
The entire population seems to shout “no!” But your voice is heard. Your actions are seen. You are influencing people.
The path forward may be invisible to others right now. That’s why your belief that there’s goodness in others, believing we’re capable of coming together, believing our future can and will be bright again, is an essential first step.
What you believe about us has never been more critical.