If being effective in your work meant you had to work with someone who has an opposing perspective or belief than yours, what would you do?
Some systems don’t require collaboration; some systems have participants who choose to ignore the facts; and there are other structures that make joint efforts difficult to achieve. (Some work places have all three.)
All politics aside, the US Federal Government is providing a fascinating, and sobering, case study for us. Most organizations are wise to ensure political talk is excluded from daily operations – but you can bet many of us have our opinions.
Is it too crazy to think that we can use the dysfunction observed in others as inspiration for our own growth? This is our chance to lift Gandhi’s so-called quote from our coffee mug and put it into action and “be the change you wish to see in the world.” To do so, it’s worth considering:
– What disappoints you in the actions of others?
– What behavior would you like to see others take?
– Where and how can you model that action now?
Perhaps the greatest outcome of taking individual responsibility is not that we win and others lose, but that we reclaim our own control.
When people point at your behavior, why do they do so?
As always I have the opportunity for growth professionally and certainly personally from what you inspire us with. Today, your words of wisdom really nailed it for me.I am so grateful to have these mini learning moments that have lasting impact on my journey to being the best ever in every situation and interaction.