• The connector on your team is asking others: How do we partner?
    • The divider is wondering: How do I hit my number?
    • The connector is seeking the best possible solution for the customer.
    • The divider is working hard to sell their solution as best for the customer.
    • The connector is aligning resources to deliver on the purpose of the organization.
    • The divider is positioning themselves close to those with power in the organization.
    • The connector is exploring how to create greater value in the market.
    • The divider’s agenda is to prove the value of their function.

Dividers shrink the capability of the organization, while connectors build capacity within it.

Do you have connectors or the dividers on your team?

P.S. Need more connectors in your organization? Join our next Activation Session on Oct 26 at 11:00 a.m. ET when we explore proven methods to developing stronger connectors on your team. The 50-minute session is free. Click here to register. (If you can’t attend, but want to listen to the recording, register and we’ll send you the recording.)



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