You have either read Stephen Covey’s work – likely The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – or you’ve worked with someone who has. Either way, you’ve benefited from the once-in-a-lifetime change agent. It’s one thing to change your own habits. It’s another to change the habits of others. And, it’s nearly inconceivable to change the thinking and behavior patterns of an entire generation.
Stephen Covey did that.
We are saddened by the passing of a legend. It is with profound respect and gratitude that we extend our condolences to the Covey family.
Which habit changed the way you approach your life? It’s hard to choose. The importance of remembering to “Sharpen the Saw” left an indelible impact on me. In our go-go-go rush to achieve-achieve-achieve, Covey’s reminder that successful people regularly renew themselves in key areas of their life helped shape my definition of what it means to succeed.
Covey’s work took millions of people to a new level. He opened doors for so many others by reminding us that in each moment every one of us has a choice – and that choice is powerful.
Who in your industry has paved the way for others? What leader has accomplished something that has created more opportunities for you? And today how will your work be a tribute to them?