

Photo Credit: Mike Bailey-Gates via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Mike Bailey-Gates via Compfight cc

“The kids who need the most love will ask for it in the most unloving of ways.”


This quote has been speeding around the internet for good reason. It’s important to have reminders that kids want to be great, and they do.


At work, the most effective team members, those who inspire and challenge us to reach and attain new levels, have the same wisdom. They forgive us for our rants, our ill-timed behaviors and words, and our quick snaps of temper. They see the bigger picture.


Marshall Rosenberg articulated it well, “Every behavior is a strategy to meet a need.” Our teammates with deplorable behaviors, they are attempting to tell us something. What are they really trying to say? Our test is not to condone or even settle for tolerating their actions. Our quest is to inform them: “I hear you.”


Functioning as a high performing team doesn’t mean everyone models perfect values all the time. It means that when some don’t, the rest of us do in response.




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