This is how the phone call went:


“The leaders of this organization seem to have an appetite for chaos,” a friend stated. “Perhaps it’s with the hope that those conditions will bring the best out of people. You know, only the strong will survive.”


“How’s that working?” I asked.


“The ripple effect through the organization is killing us. Because it’s survival of the fittest for each leader, their respective departments are now pitted against each other. There’s a lot of demarcation going on.”


“If my boss doesn’t like your boss, I’d better be careful what I do for you,” I added. “In fact, I may spend more of my time thinking about what I can do to you. Talk about creating indigestion.”


Even though we know it, we fall into the trap ourselves. (Survival instincts are difficult to suppress.) Top teams don’t realize how their approach magnifies (and morphs) exponentially through the organization. It kills creativity, productivity – everything.


“It’s crazy,” he finished. “As bad as the economy and market is, the most difficult challenges we face are internal. So, I keep telling my team, despite what is being modeled to us, we have a unique opportunity to do something different. What we want to accomplish is under our control.”


The leader on the other end of the phone reminds me Rachel in our upcoming book, Degrees of Strength [Jan 23, 2012]. Calm and focus in the chaos. In control of what can be controlled.


Want to focus your team to be even more capable, agile, and perform better than they’ve ever done? Here’s our free PDF that shows you how to do just that in 2012 (and long after.) For a limited time, and as a special member of our A-Team, the Degrees of Strength manifesto is free to you, highlighting tools from the book and focus questions to get you and your team going and increasing accountability in 2012. Sign up for free to be part of our A-team and you’ll get the manifesto delivered straight to your inbox. Instant access for instant value. Click Here for access. (If you’re already on the A-Team, no need to sign up again, we’ll send it directly to your inbox).


 “My nephew is starting his career and asked me to recommend a few books as he starts his journey.  I recommended The One Minute Manager, and after reading the book Degrees of Strength, I will recommend another.”

 – Ron Klump COO/CFO, Impact Confections


 “Our responsibility as people is to inspire the greatness in others – and the potential they bring to the world. This book celebrates the leaders who are making a difference in business, communities, and families. Leaders who live and lead in Degrees of Strength are the real change-makers.”

– John Paul DeJoria, Co-Founder John Paul Mitchell Systems, Patrón Spirits Co. and John Paul Pet


What is the focus that will serve your team the best this week?




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