Intellectual supremacy creeps up on you and whispers, “You already know all there is to know about this. Save everyone time (you’re short on time, remember?) and tell them how to do their job. In fact, tell everyone the truth about everything.”

The power of our own intellect can seduce us. It tricks us into thinking we have something others don’t possess. Therefore, we are better.

But we’re not. Our need to act smarter than others disables us as leaders, friends, neighbors, siblings and spouses. And ends in tragic irony: We become so smart we’re ignorant.

Stay smart: Use your knowledge for something bigger than yourself.

P.S. I’m excited about hosting best-selling author Keith Farrazzi on our Huddle in a few hours. (May 21 at 8 a.m. Mountain) He’s got innovative ideas on collaboration.  Join us –and get better.



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