
best advice from mom


Dad was famous for saying, “Get the kids to age 18, and we’ve done our job.”


I’m past 18. What now? (To be sure, I could write volumes on gifts Dad did provide.)


Mom was different: She played the “long game.” All the nurturing, instruction, discipline and sacrifice were bent on preparing us for life.


The wisdom she instilled has become indispensable, long-game leadership lessons:


1)      Set others up for their success. Mother didn’t raise us to glorify herself. Consequently, her life is now filled with abundance. How will I lead so others go beyond what I can do?


2)      Discipline in anything is not work – it’s the pursuit of discovering your own greatness. After we made a commitment, Mom wouldn’t let us quit. How will I demonstrate perseverance today?


3)      Keep learning. Mom didn’t model this to get ahead of other moms. (The idea is laughable.) She did it for the joy of discovery. What questions can I ask that will take us to new levels of thinking?


4)      Take the high road. Sometimes Mother is alone in this pursuit: Relentless in her quest to love unconditionally. What decision of higher action is it time for me to make?


5)      Be the best you you can be. Mom has excelled at the ‘art of being a mom’. . . because each day is a platform to discover who she truly is. In what ways am I ready to lead more authentically?



I’m inspired by my mom, and increasingly believe each day is an opportunity to live and lead from her long game lessons.


What’s the greatest lesson you learned from your mother that supports you in your quest to be the best leader – the best person – you can be?




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