You’re about to take your Pathways to Leadership® experience to a masterful new level.
Making your Mastery Best Ever
Mastery Program Overview
Your Mastery Program and POIS-2 are designed to support you to take your proficiency of the Pathways tools and concepts to the next level – to mastery. During our time together the team will:
• Raise the bar on results.
• Share successes and assess progress from the past several months – celebrate!
• Practice and apply the tools in ‘real-life’ business scenarios and challenges.
• Learn vital new Pathways to Leadership® tools and strategies to leverage the tools you’re already using.
• Build and develop your capacity even more to deliver your best ever.
• Plan and launch POIS-2 including your POIS Team and Buddy.
• Identify objectives and create a plan for your best ever leadership now and into the future.
• Create a clear action plan for how you and your team will sustain and accelerate your culture.
The best ever is yet to come. We look forward to seeing you again soon.