
When someone says “let’s discuss this topic outside this meeting” are they increasing productivity – or diminishing value creation?

Be aware.

Agreeing as a team when – and when you won’t – take things offline increases productivity.

The pros of taking discussions outside the meeting:

  1. Strengthened focus: The topic or issue isn’t relevant or significant to the purpose of the meeting.
  2. Inclusion: Stakeholders pertinent to the topic aren’t in the meeting. In these cases, taking the discussion offline to ensure others can join is an act of inclusion.
  3. Data-driven decision making: The data required to have a productive discussion isn’t in hand.

The cons of taking conversations “offline”.

  1. Conflict avoidance: The team is entering the necessary debate required for quality problem solving. Favoring false harmony by suspending the discussion delays productivity.
  2. Exclusion: Transparency drives a shared reality and better decision making. Taking things offline is an act of exclusion sometimes taken to control the narrative or who gets to participate in decision making.
  3. Accountability evasion: When healthy teams discuss hot topics team members ask critical questions—of one another. Avoiding these discussions by removing the topic from the greater team can be an act of choosing self-preservation over enterprise success.

The next time someone says “let’s take this offline” consider operating as a Connector, being sincerely curious, and asking:

  • What exactly are we taking offline? And why?
  • Can we increase productivity by continuing the discussion now?


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