Beware the masquerade: “We won’t take action until we’re strategically aligned.” Translation: “We won’t act until we all agree on the plan.”

Have pity for the leader who wants everyone to concur. Their plight is understandable: We’re humans and agreement feels good. Plus, it appears safer: Should we fail, no one person is to blame.

We must, however, be honest. Consensus-making is resource-taking. Time and salaries are consumed as our debates move from hours to days. Accountability is shed as “we” did (or did not) make the decision, when ultimately my choice in behaviors was up to me.

Alignment is the optimization of resources toward our goal. Its definition doesn’t include agreement of how we will get there.

We are professionals, things don’t have to be done “my way.” Let’s take action. Let’s learn. Let’s adapt. Let’s win. (On this, we are strategically aligned.)



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