One of the greatest ways we can support our community is by creating a space for leaders who have powerful stories to share. Our Accelerator’s Blog highlights leaders and their success stories. Sometimes these stories include a tool the author has mastered for successful results. Sometimes these stories are simple, profound and touching. We welcome stories, blogs, interviews, videos and photos — anything that might inspire other leaders in our community. What’s your story?


Here are some guidelines to make the process clear and simple for you:

Length: We’re looking for stories/writings no longer than 500 words.

Tone: Inspiring. Authentic. Empowering. True. (And your own original work.)

Format: .DOC for Writing; .JPG for Photos; .MOV for Video

Submitting: Please put “Submit” in the subject line. Feel free to include a bio and photo if it’s a blog post/article. Include your name, title and company. For privacy reasons, we will only share your last initial. If you aren’t able to share your company name, let us know so we’ll keep that private, too. To submit, email:



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