Bosses everywhere are asking employees to speak up and make tough decisions. It’s likely, however, that you know the bigger issue: How do you stick out your neck when it seems no one has your back?
Shock the system by changing the subject: Instead of tolerating conversations about wimpy employees – change the question: How do we better equip?
We need more leaders like Dan. After leading a meeting that delivered a million dollar break through, he said, “Several times there was uncertainty regarding permission to discuss heated topics.” That’s when he modeled courage – and skill: providing the safety for others to tell the truth.
Courage without skill is folly.
Want to see your team speak up and make tough decisions right now? Equip them with the how. Click here, download the book, go to Chapter 28 and read for 3 minutes. We want to help more, so we’ve extended our popular offer and anyone can get the award-winning Stomp the Elephant in the Office in electronic format. Because it’s free, there are no excuses.
You can eliminate the conditions that throttle the best of who we each are. We believe we’ll hit our goal of 50,000 downloads of the book because there a lot of leaders who have the courage to add the skill of speaking up.
Guts and skill: Where will your team act bravely today?
We’ve created a space for conversation below: please share how you and your team have been brave by adding your own comment.
Ross & Vannoy,
Read the post & suggested chapter. The idea of leadership taking responsibility for the culture they create/allow is empowering. Assuming those we lead have the necessary focus and tools to be productive is a huge mistake. The responsibility is ours.
Thanks for the reminder.
James – thank you for embracing the reminder. I’m struck by how often we as leaders can rationalize our perceived limitations. But, as you say the responsibility is ours, so we must reconsider our perception and lead forward.