
Like it or not, our economy is a global one. Regardless which continent you’re on, the complexities of our relationships with one another are significant. What does that mean to your team? This: You can bet that today you will speak with someone…who will talk with another…who will communicate with someone internationally.


If you embrace the idea of the “ripple effect” you understand the significance of your team’s interactions with others. So add the words “Global Influencer and Leader” to your business card. And then help your team answer this question: How do we better develop a common language with those we partner or serve?


The answer is a quick and important one. The tie between all of us is the Humanity Factor (Stomp the Elephant, 2007). Defined, this means that tremendous potential resides within each person – and in every interaction we have the opportunity to tap into that greatness. No matter where we go in the world – Egypt to Brazil to China – the language of the Humanity Factor is something everyone can speak fluently.


As we partner with leaders everywhere I’m struck by one thing: They are on a personal mission to develop the greatness in those around them.


We want to help even more. The movement to revolutionize how work gets done expands: We’re adding three more international, invitation-only Mindset Sessions:


– Cairo, Egypt – 2 October 2011 (update 9/12: registration is now closed for this event)
– Bangalore, India – December 2011
– Shanghai, China – Spring, 2012


If you know a high-potential leader in one of these areas, send them here. And via email or comment below, in a line or two, let us know why they deserve to be invited to the popular four-hour program. Besides the fact that space is limited, we continue to choose quality over volume. Participants must understand this: Success is better achieved and sustained not when it is demanded – but when we tap into the greatness that already exists.


Thank you – in advance – for your important global influence and leadership work.




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