Degrees of Strength and degrees of weakness (2:57)
What will you do to see people and situation in Degrees of Strength vs. degrees of weakness. Dr. Angie Paccione shares her own story.
Degrees of Strength and degrees of weakness (2:57)
What will you do to see people and situation in Degrees of Strength vs. degrees of weakness. Dr. Angie Paccione shares her own story.
Angie – thank you for sharing this amazing story of how we create focus with those around us in each interaction. Your personal story is a touching and honest example of how Degrees of Strength and degrees of weakness can shape our actions.
Angie, you are SO inspiring…and made me remember my own dad asking me, “what about the B???” when I consistently brought home straight A’s all throughout my high school years and one time had ONE B. That tape ran through my head so many times throughout my work life, especially when we were ‘graded’ on reviews, 1-5, and at 50 years of age, still I worried about the B…and was crushed, when I was told I “failed” and was rated as a ONE, even though on one huge project I got a 4.5…that ONE was a F in my book! We are all hard enough on ourselves throughout life, but thank GOD I have been absorbing Degrees of Strength mindset! I am not what others ‘rate’ me as. I am a strong woman who now knows her many strengths and will never fall into that spiral again! Thank You Angie, for helping me burn up that stupid tape inside my head for good! 🙂
Thanks John, Theresa and Patricia… Patricia – glad to hear the tape is burned up! Ad you’re so right: It’s not the rating you receive from others that matters… It’s the rating we give ourselves. With whom will you share this message/concept so that they can burn their tape?