Scenario 1: You can’t admit that you made a mistake because if you do, people take advantage of your blunder and out-position you.
Or, maybe you can admit your error. Maybe you’re on a team that allows you to stretch, to be agile, to take necessary risks, because everyone knows that’s how we’ll become who we can be.
Scenario 2: You can’t speak up and share what you really think about the project. Because if you do, people will nod their heads in front of you, then race behind your back and call you a fool. Leaving you to wonder who’s with you and who’s not. (Hey, wait. Aren’t we supposed to be on the same team?)
Or, maybe you can share your truth. Perhaps you’re on a team that enables you to be transparent because others know that it’s a certain sort of truth telling that’s required for the team’s success.
The scenarios are endless. Ultimately: Does being on this team make us better as people? Are we called to an authentic expression of our values because it’s an expectation we have of one another? (And because it’s safe to do so?)
If we’re not, why not admit that we’re pretending to be a team? Why not agree that we’ll waste hours and hours being unproductive and make our work far more difficult than it needs to be?
As well, if we are on a team that makes us better as people let’s celebrate that and determine our next step forward together.
What sort of a team are you on?
We all want the same thing. Isn’t it time to get serious about it?