
Support For Making It Happen

It’s Difficult to Win an Argument with Reality

Facts are indeed facts; what you choose to do with them remains your choice.

The Reasons to Give Your Best (When Others Are Not)

Responding with integrity, when others are not, is a signal that you’re capable.

The Counterintuitive Question to Align Colleagues to Priorities

Before asking team members why they are motivated or excited to achieve the objective you own, consider asking the counterintuitive question: What aren’t you excited about?

The First Challenge for Those Who Wish to Lead

The first challenge for those who wish to lead: Can you model actions that demonstrate your ethics when others are not doing the same?

VIDEO: How to Become Even More Agile (2:05)

With the market changing constantly, it requires parallel partnership between departments and teams. By using every interaction to build and develop partnership, teams get even more agile.

VIDEO: How to Activate the Potential in Others: The 5 Disciplines of an Activator (2:28)

To what extend are you able to activate the potential in others? Craig W. Ross shares an overview of what Activators are – and how they develop the need of the business and the leaders within it. Craig shares the five disciplines of an Activator and how they benefit...

VIDEO: A revolution in training is coming… (4:08)

Craig Ross, Verus Global CEO & President answers the question, “Is lack of time an excuse – or – an opportunity to get even better as a leader?” Craig explores the three powerful ways to build and develop talent – and how effective leaders are using these three to...