
Just because you’re energized to accomplish your objective doesn’t mean your cross-functional colleagues will be. Behind their kind smiles and nodding heads, they have their own priorities.

How do you enroll and align cross-functional colleagues to your priorities?

Before asking team members why they are motivated or excited to achieve the objective you own, consider asking the counterintuitive question: What aren’t you excited about?

Here are some variations:

  • What action item or task do you loathe to take on?
  • Which aspect of our plan least energizes you?
  • Which detail of the decision we just made is ambiguous?

Productive Backward Focused Energy

Selling or persuading others to prioritize your objectives creates passive support at best—and worse: creates resistance.

While emphasizing the benefits of achieving your function’s priorities, it’s also valuable to understand where your cross-functional colleagues will choose to contribute their energy first—and last.

Asking a backward focused question like “what aren’t you excited about” informs you of two vital pieces of information:

  1. Where your colleagues will likely procrastinate or even neglect to put forth effort.
  2. Where you have opportunities to support your colleagues, to address barriers, to do the work of leadership.

A productive backward focused question opens the space for honest dialogue. With a shared reality you deepen alignment to priorities.



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