

Do you run a tight ship? Do you like to make sure all work is completed and things are done to a high standard – your standard?

Be careful: you may be the captain of the USS Anal Retentive.  If you’ve got poor results and people jumping overboard, you don’t rule a tight ship – you’re running an uptight ship.


Hard to believe, but true: people tell us the majority of supervisors they experience are micro-managers. They’re control mongers.

We all know the reasons why would-be “leaders” rule in such a way: because at some point we’ve seen such traits in ourselves. We figure we know right from wrong, the best way to do things, and because we’re the experts, things must be done our way!

This oppressive approach does lead… it leads to disengagement, apathy, and poor results.

Do people around you show signs of wanting to jump overboard? Do they withhold their ideas? Do they wait to act until you make the decisions? Do they dislike you?


Isn’t it ironic: We gain more control (read: better results) when we focus less on controlling others and more on controlling ourselves. Nothing new here, yet how many people around you are successfully doing this? And are you?

What sort of advantage do you create for yourself and your team (or family?) if you were to become even more effective at truly leading versus controlling? What opportunities do you create? The answer lies in how well you can control yourself.

Let’s sink the USS Anal Retentive – and sail a new boat. Today, captain a ship powered by everyone around you.

What is the difference between what “might be” and what “can be”?  You decide.

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