
“You meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it.” – Carl Jung

The thing that often controls a team is that which they’re not talking about. A well-worn path to a destiny known by many teams is blazed by the inability to:

  • Voice a different opinion than the boss
  • Make a decision that won’t be popular with everyone
  • Dispute the perspectives of peers
  • Tell the truth about what the numbers say

It’s ironic: Controlled by a belief that the consequences would be too great if they were to speak up about how the team is diverging from their purpose…these teams intentionally diverge from their purpose.

At some point enough people grow weary of traveling long routes to achieve targets when there is a shorter path available. So, they say: wait. Let’s talk about what we’re not talking about. Let’s talk about what the business needs us to talk about.

To side-step a truth is to reveal another truth. (Is that a truth with which you can live?)

What’s your team’s destiny?



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