
We’re sending out a call to all strategic slow-pokes. In this rush-rush-rush world where it’s all about results-results-results, some of your peers have missed the point. Some of your colleagues have fallen under the illusion that going faster all the time is the answer to delivering greater results.

But, as Neil Young so sagely reminds us, “When I was faster, I was always behind.”

The equation is easy to recognize:

Rush + rush + rush (multiplied by “dog-gone-it-I’ll-never-get-it-all-done-sort-of-stress) = results – short term gain (multiplied by poor quality).

Of course, we’re not advocating for full-time slow-poke-iness. The sort of slowness we’re talking about is the sort of time it takes to build sustainable, high quality results – which ultimately means your team moves faster.

Use this guide to help your colleagues know when they should act with urgency…and when they should be a strategic slow-poke:

  1. When someone else shares a concern, your colleague can say “got it” (rush-rush-rush)…or they can state, “Tell me more,” and take the time to listen so others feel listened to (slow-poke).
  2. They can start a meeting focusing on the problem (rush-rush-rush), which means they’ll be experts at why knowing why they’re failures…or they can start with “What are our strengths in this area?” (slow-poke) which means they’ll gain clues on how to be a greater success.
  3. And when a peer doesn’t perform to expectations, your colleague can sternly state their disapproval by insinuating, “I’m extremely disappointed in you – you’re a loser” (rush-rush-rush)…or your colleague can tap into greater motivations by asking, “I want to know why it’s important to you deliver excellence as you complete this project?” (slow-poke).

Being a strategic slow-poke isn’t for everyone. It’s an approach reserved for those who desire results and quality and sustainability so their team can ultimately move faster.

Where can you help others get strategically slow today?



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