The budget for 2015 is almost set. And there it is: Line item 74:
“$10,000, Team building: One day in April; Holiday activity in December.”
It’s a mistake. $10,000 will be wasted: 2015 will end like 2014. And some “people-are-just-numbers” manager will collect more evidence on why “soft skill” training should be banned.
But that boss would be wrong. Developing a team that can act like one will always prove to be a greater predictor of success than a group of highly talented people who occasionally bump into each other.
The error isn’t budgeting money for the purposes of developing people and culture. The mistake occurs when they think the objective is accomplished in a day. The method fails miserably:
– I’m going to exercise three times in 2015.
– I’m going to work on the relationships I have with my children the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
– I’ll save money for my retirement on those occasions I have a little extra money in my pocket.
What is valued is prioritized; what is prioritized receives a sustained effort.
What does your plan for 2015 say about your priorities?