Photo Credit: Kevan via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Kevan via Compfight cc

This is what your critics will claim. They’ll attempt to corner you into being who you’ve always been by accusing you of not being authentic.


They want you to be predictable so they don’t have to change. Their weapon is the claim of inauthenticity.   Such a dynamic creates a counter force for which you should prepare:


  1. If you pause and search for a better question, when in the past you were quick to give commands, they’ll say you’re being weak and not yourself.
  2. If you are clear and set direction, when prior you favored consensus making, you’ll be called demanding and inauthentic.
  3. If you provide feedback, when in the past you gave none, you’ll be seen as manipulative and insincere.


It seems everyone wants “authentic leaders,” people who are true to themselves. This grand aspiration is important to both business and humanity. But what if “being true to yourself” means learning, trying new approaches and demonstrating behaviors others don’t agree with?


Are you prepared to be called inauthentic – even if it means you’re being true to yourself?


Be you.



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