It’s Impossible to Be Disappointed In 2023…when focused on those elements of the past year which:

  • Brought you joy,
  • Made you wiser,
  • Strengthened you.

As an achiever, however, you have likely trained yourself to focus on the gaps, on details which are not finished, on the plans that did not work, and the mountain you have left to climb. Perhaps, you have been taught to believe that if you’re not hard on yourself, you are not an achiever.

Your exhaustion is a clue that your training is incomplete.

Focusing on what you have accomplished does not make you weak or less of an achiever. In fact, it is the opposite: Thanklessness steals energy like a wide-open window on a cold winter day; Gratitude, conversely, sources us with a force, an experience, which strengthens us.

Gratitude reinforces who we really are—and who we are capable of being.

2023 was difficult. 2023 was easy. 2023 sucked. 2023 was grand. 2023 was scary. 2023 was inspiring.

Acknowledge the pain or what was real over the past 12 months yet beware of the label you choose. Instead, use what was…to be more…in what will be.

Use gratitude.

P.S. The entire Verus Global team is grateful for the leaders who choose to do big things by mobilizing the hearts and minds of employees. You are making a difference beyond measure. May this time of reflection and transition be rich and restful for you and yours.



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